As we are now coming towards the end of the first month of 2022 its time to take a retrospective look at 2021 and the Marketing Statistics for the year. In this weeks article we are going to explore the top marketing statistics and trends of 2021 as we start to look at what 2022 will bring.

PPC Marketing

What is PPC (Pay-per-click) Advertising? As it stands for Pay-per-click, advertisers pay a fee to publishers whenever their ads are clicked. With search engines, which is one of the most popular forms of PPC marketing, advertisers bid on keywords related to their target market. Advertisers bid for ad placement in sponsored links on search engines when the searched keyword is related to their business offer. The Cost per click (CPC) varies depending on the competition level, the audience, location and a keyword phrase. Therefore, effective bidding strategies will play a significant role in PPC marketing.

  • The average cost per click for search ads across all industries is $3.53 in US dollars ranging from $1.40 to $8.67 in 2021 (WordStream). 
  • The average CPC (Cost-per-click) in the legal industry worldwide is $6.46 and the most expensive legal industry CPC is $1090, according to Digital Stand(28 Apr 2021).
  • The industries with the highest average CPC in Australia include Insurance industries $8.64, Marketing and advertising 3.57(Statista 2021)
  • The industries with the lowest average CPC in Australia include pharmaceuticals $0.28, and Electronics 0.29 (Statista 2021).
  • The average CTR (Click-through rate) for google ads is 3.17%. 
  • The average click-through rate across all industries is 6.18 (WordStream).

SEO – Correlation between the quality and the length of content

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is a process to improve the organic standing of a website, to ensure that the website has high visibility even when there are no corresponding adverts being run on it.  If you are a content marketer, you definitely need to develop high quality articles with a certain length. Here are some interesting statistics from SEMrush. Articles with over 3000 words tend to get 3 times more engagement, 4 times more shares and 3.5 times more backlinks compared to short articles. That means, the long length of high quality articles will increase the organic traffic on your website, and it will have a better chance to be shown. Consequently, it will have a positive impact on your SEO and organic growth.

  • Websites that have a blog attract 55% more traffic
  • Blogs are among the primary three forms of media used in content strategies today.
  • 83% of traffic to marketing blogs comes from desktops.
  • Search is the number one traffic source to blogs across all industries.
  • In the marketing industry, the top-performing articles are over 5,700 words in length.
  • Articles that are >3,000 words get 3x more traffic, 4x more shares, and 3.5x more backlinks than shorter articles.
  • Listicles get 2x more shares than other blog post formats.
  • 51% of companies say updating old content has proven the most efficient tactic implemented.
  • The majority of companies (67%) use organic traffic to measure their content success.

Email Marketing

Email is considered an old form of marketing strategy, but it is one of the most powerful methods. According to Kirsch, “email generates $42 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 4,200% ROI, making it one of the most effective options available”. Here are why you should conduct effective email marketing.

  • The global e-mail marketing market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027. (Statista, 2021)
  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. (Campaign Monitor, 2021)
  • Across all industries, the average email open rate is 19.8%, the click-through rate is 11.3%, and the bounce rate is 9.4%. (Constant Contact, 2021)
  • 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months (Not Another State of Marketing, 2020)
  • 31% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • Brands that always include an A/B test in their emails generate an ROI of 48:1. (Litmus, 2019)
  • Mobile-friendly email is the second most-used tactic email marketers to improve their performance. (HubSpot, 2020)
  • 59% of Millennials primarily use their smartphone to check email, while 67% of Generation Z scans their inbox on mobile. (Bluecore, 2021)
  • Message personalisation in the number one tactic used by email marketers to improve performance (HubSpot, 2020 via DigitalStand).

Social media is widely used for marketing and advertising for brands. The report by Statista shows that there are 2.7billion monthly users access facebook. And 77.7% of the Australian population uses facebook. 

  • Social listening is the number one tactic used by marketers. (HubSpot)
  • Increased exposure is the most commonly cited advantage of using social media for marketing purposes among global industry professionals. (Statista)
  • Improved traffic, lead generation, and growing fan loyalty are among the top reasons why marketers see value in employing social networks in their campaigns. (Statista)
  • The most common publishing cadence for social media marketers is three-to-four times per week. (HubSpot)
  • More than half of all businesses (60%) are planning to increase their Instagram budget, and almost half are planning to do the same for Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. (Hootsuite)
  • 98% of Australians access social media via mobile devices (Genroe, 2022).
  • The average user tends to spend 2.2 hours on social media (DigitalStand).


With the overall digital market growing so much over the past years, now is the time to ensure that your business digital strategy is set and ready for the year ahead. If you would like to discuss how we can help with forming your strategy and helping your business to grow through digital marketing, then please click the image below and contact us.